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Parking while on trip

A quick overview of parking while on trip, including the do's and dont's.

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Written by Support
Updated over 2 months ago

Parking while on trip is the members responsibility. We have deals with both Auckland and Wellington council to allow cover for some parking options. Note: These deals only apply to vehicles with the corresponding home zone (i.e. if you start trip in Wellington, you will be covered for parking in Wellington but not Auckland)

Outside of what is listed below you will need to ensure you are complying with the relevant cities/areas parking enforcement. Any private or commercial parking will need to be covered by you.


While you're on a trip, you can park your Mevo in any normally legal parking space - you're responsible for complying with time limits and restrictions.

You will not need to pay for WCC Parking Meters, P120 or above parks, and have free parking within any coupon or residents parking. We also have dedicated Mevo parking throughout the city.

If you decide to park in any non-approved parking and incur any charges, these will be passed on to you.


While you're on a trip, you can park your Mevo in any normally legal parking space - you're responsible for complying with time limits and restrictions.

You will not need to pay for AT Parking Meters, any parks above P120 (P120 not included), and have free parking within any residents parking. Also keep your eye out for Approved Shared Vehicles parks as these are also approved parks.

If you decide to park in any non-approved parking and incur any charges, these will be passed on to you.

Hamilton & Nelson

Parking in Hamilton and Nelson, works a bit differently. The only free parking spot covered by Mevo is the one where you originally picked up the vehicle. Beyond this, you are responsible for adhering to any time limits and restrictions. If you choose to park in non-approved areas and receive any fines or charges, these will be passed on to you.

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